Fear Not - Man

Scripture Reading - Psalms 56:4 KJV

In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me.

Greetings fellow believer in the Awesome Name of Jesus may God’s Grace smile upon you this day while he fills you with all Peace. Today we will continue in our “Fear Not” series. In a previous lesson we highlighted the fact that worry comes from fear. If we can remove the fear from the situation, event, circumstance, sickness, government, leadership, person, etc. . . we will also remove the worry associated with that fear. Thank God through Jesus Christ we can remove the fear. According 1 John 4:18, “There is no fear in love but perfect (mature, sincere, pure, untainted, developed) love casts out fear.” In another previous lesson we mentioned that we don’t need to fear protection primarily for two reasons: one - God is always with us and two - The Lord’s ministering spirits known as the Angels of God are encamped round about us continuously. The key is knowing divine help is always available and acknowledging God in all our ways so He can direct our paths. In a previous lesson we looked at not fearing a lack of provision because you are a child of God. Yes, your Heavenly Father greatly delights in you because He loves you so much. His desire is to not only feed you naturally but His Will is that you are well fed both spiritually and physically having more than what you need for that specific meal. In another lesson we discussed not fearing the curse(s) of the Law because The Blessing(s) of God are promised to the children of God. Yes, in Christ Jesus we are redeemed from the curses of the Law. The Blessing of God is twofold: 1) - We inherited all The Blessings of the Law as children of God while at the same time 2) - We were (and are) promised complete deliverance from all the curses of the Law, so there is no need to fear. We also shared about not fearing relocation because God is with us and we can communicate with God anything and everything that concerns us. In these times of trouble and conflict we have covered not fearing war. This means even the threat of war should not make us afraid because we have God with us individually before, during and after war. We then looked at not fearing your enemies which could be someone in your own family or someone at work on your job or maybe a neighbor who really doesn’t like you, etc . . . The key is knowing how to treat them and keeping a positive attitude so that they can’t steal your joy. We also spoke about not fear your assignment (career, calling, ministry, occupation, project, etc. . .) which basically means pray about the task at hand looking for God’s guidance. Allow The Good Lord to help you by ordering your steps such that His Will is done then you can guarantee success because the work is pleasing to God which pleases your heart and gains you favor with both God and man. In a previous lesson we taught on “Not Fearing” False God’s because the True Living God we know is All Powerful, All Mighty and Greater than any spirit or man living in Our God’s Universe. No need to fear what God, our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ has already defeated. Remember greater is He that is in me then those that are in the world. In another lesson we had discussion about not fearing bad bosses because your Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus can influence your bad situation for good, if you do things God’s Way using His (God’s) Wisdom. In today’s lesson we will highlight not fearing “man”. In this lesson when expressing “no fear of man” we are not pointing at a specific person in your life. Although, we shouldn’t fear anyone we know and interact with because fearing anyone puts you in bondage to them. Fear is of the devil. No child of God should be afraid of our enemy. Being a child of God means you are a child of the King who lives in The Kingdom of God. What prince or princess is ever afraid of someone hurting them in the kingdom which their parents’ rule. We (ihlcc) think not. This lesson is highlighting the more general presence of evil men but no one in particular. Yes, quite often man or men are portrayed by being evil and quite often they imply something evil is going to happen to you. For example when the news gives you a bad report about the current economy or certain problems getting worst in the future economy. Please don’t let these troubling words from man fill your heart with worry and despair. The economy is generally controlled by men and typically it is greatly influenced by men too, whether good or bad. The key is not placing the words on men above the words of God. Yes, my God shall supply all my needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus still works for the believer today. Yes, even when media forecast announce more job closings please dear child of the king remember who (or who’s) you are and speak the more powerful and positive words of your Father in Heaven. Heaven’s economy is always good and that is our true source and supply. Yes, the children of God ought to speak the same language as God Himself. This Word of God is found in the Holy Bible the Lord’s love letter to His child and to all people everywhere who want to know more about God. Generally speaking if you get depressed watching the fake (false) news or negative news that likes to expose evil do yourself a favor by spending the time you would normally watch the ungodly news reading the Good News in the Holy Bible. Worldly news usually broadcast the bad things of gloom and doom currently going on today then forecast more doom and gloom to come in the near future. Many of these men are speaking from their own heart which is full of darkness so they can’t stop speaking lies and sadness. They are not all evil people they just talk primarily from two sources the First being their head which means they speak as they are told understanding that they must say what they are told to say because if they don’t it could result in losing their job. These words are all scripted and only project the image of the corporation they represent. If fear and the threat of evil boost ratings that is the agenda and firm decision of that broadcaster. The other place they speak from is their hear which pushes their own agenda which could or could not represent your best interest. Just remember when people (news casters specifically and men in general) speak from their heart, if their heart is full of darkness, they will transmit that darkness to all who listen to them. No different than a salesman trying to sale you his goods. The presentation usually starts with words in hopes of the physical demonstration with a purchase in mind. There are many schemes of men coupled with the influence of the kingdom of darkness so don’t spend too much time watching these bad news broadcast because if you do that evil darkness will get in you through your eye gates and ear gates. The scriptures tell us to guard our heart which means remove all evil that you can (circumstances that are in your control) and don’t try to figure out every thing else that is out of your control. Yes, dear child of God, sons and daughters of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords don’t fear anything man said or displays because it doesn’t have to be bad with you. We love and serve a good God who plans for good things going on in our life according to Hebrews 13:6b KJV, “So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.” Amen!